What am I doing here?!

Let's be honest: how many times have you read something so inane on the Bloggernacle that you were shocked it was even published? How could the internet not collapse in on itself because of the stupidity of that one post? But then, against your better judgement, you decide to belly up to the bar in the Mos Eisley Cantina and make a comment. Big mistake. Next thing you know it some dude who has been worked over one too many times with the ugly stick is poking you in the chest and telling you that he doesn't like you.

It's all too taxing. This little corner of the web is my attempt to participate in the Bloggernacle without having a PhD and a beard to stroke. I don't take myself too seriously so so this website won't be too serious. I don't consider myself scholarly so we'll dispense with the academic stuff. All I'm after here is to create a place where people can put their feet up and laugh a little.

So sit back, crack open a $.25 Shasta Kiwi Strawberry, and enjoy the site.