
Here you'll find a list of words and phrases that I use in my posts. Some may be self-explanatory but just in case...

A collection of websites devoted to discussing all things Mormon. In short, it is the Mormon portion of the blogosphere.

To figure something out. It comes from across the pond.

My lazy attempt to shorten 'Latter-Day Saint'. Saves me time.

Lapsed Latter-Day Saint. Basically what you would call a 'less active'. Can also be someone who doesn't like the church very much.

We know you like bacon...
This phrase comes from one of Jim Gaffigan's routines. When someone goes on and on about something you can use that phrase to communicate to them you get it. A little like saying "tell me something I don't know..."

This is a euphemism for p0rnography. I use a zero because I'm afraid if I spell the word correctly this site will show up in some seedy Google searches. Plus I want to be able to make it through strict corporate filters so you can look at my site at work.

Word of Wisdom. See D&C 89 or try to buy a Coke on BYU campus.