Monday, March 25, 2013

Advice column: Doofus ex machina

DEAR DOOFUS: I am a single man, aged 23. I attend a single's ward in Salt Lake Valley. I'm currently hanging out with a girl but I'm really interested in her roommate. Is it possible to pull off the roommate swap? Help me out here!

DEAR CREEPY: If you've seen Seinfeld you know this is one of the most difficult tricks, or I should say illusions, to pull off. I only know of one man who has pulled it off and he is writing this column. Let me start of by saying this: You aren't in the single's ward to make friends. You are there to get a wife. Who cares if a few roomies get their feelings hurt? It's not like any of them own you. Plus, everyone loves a good catfight.
Here's the bottom line: If you really like the roommate, go for it. The girl you are hanging out with now has no claim on you and the roommate is an adult. She can choose for herself. You need to keep an eternal perspective on the situation. How long will the roommates be roommates? Maybe two or three years? How long will you be with your wife? Hopefully longer than that. You do the math.
Single's ward gospel doctrine class

DEAR DOOFUS: I'm the bishop of a single's ward. Help!

DEAR OVERWORKED: You are in a pneumatic tube to heaven my friend. Any person that is called to be a single's ward bishop is special. When I was in a single's ward I saw how harangued and put-upon our bishop was, bless his soul. I don't know how he did it. Getting calls on Thanksgiving because some bloke couldn't get a date that weekend; listening to some poor sister cry about not getting a call back from a dude she went out with; trying to plan each and every activity with the goal that at the end of the night people have exchanged digits. Nuts to that!

My advice to you is this: redo your ward boundaries so that all the homely people are out of your ward. Let's be honest, the attractive singles are going to have an easy time finding dates and the upshot is you won't be bothered as much. The downside is you may have more interviews dealing with morality. It's a tricky situation to be in. I wish you luck.

Have a questions for Doofus ex Machina? Email him at

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