Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Harold and Maude actually just liked potatoes and Cornflakes," says director

"You taste crunchy yet buttery..."
SAN FRANCISCO - Director Hal Ashby, who helmed Shampoo and Coming Home, recently sat down to answer questions about his most popular work, Harold and Maude. He says that he feels compelled to set the record straight on the misunderstanding around his beloved movie.

"I felt like the time is right to tell the truth about Harold and Maude," said Ashby. "People think it is about two star-crossed lovers obsessed with death. That's not it at all. Harold and Maude really just loved potatoes and Cornflakes. That's the reason they went to so many funerals. There was nothing dark or sinister about their motives. Bottom line? They had sophisticated palettes."

Why is the director speaking out now? "With the 42nd anniversary edition of the movie coming out I wanted to let people know the score," explained Ashby. "The special edition DVD will include some deleted scenes that will help shed some light on this. For example, there is a scene where Harold and Maude are having dinner inside a cultural hall and they can be seen eating green jello with shredded carrots."

The anniversary edition DVD comes out May 2nd and will be available in local Graywhales.

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